MOU with School of Engineering, Utsunomiya University was established. Professor Miyoshi Ayama, the dean of the school, with Prof. Tomoharu Ishikawa, visited RMUTT to sign on the MOU document on 12, Feb. 2020. She and Dr Sommai Pivsa-Art, the president of RMUTT singed on the documents and exchanged them. For the successful relation between the two institutions was realized by Dr.Chanprapha Phuangsuwan, the director of CRC and Prof. Mitsuo Ikeda who visited Utsunomiya university and cooperated with Prof. Ayama who visited CRC to do an experiment on the cataract. It is expected that the MOU will accelerate the mutual exchange of researchers and students of both universities.
Prof. Miyoshi Ayama gave present to the president
Prof. Miyoshi Ayama gave present to the vice president
Prof. Miyoshi Ayama gave present to the vice president