Research supported by MCT’s Income Budget


Researcher Year Budget (THB) Research title
Dr. Uravis Tangkijviwat 2016 100,000 Effect of Size and Form of Color Samples on Preferences
2017 99,000 The Relationship between Color Preference and Attractiveness
2018 100,000 Macular Pigment Optical Density of Thai
2019 100,000 Demonstrate Box of Color Mixing and Simultaneous Color Contrast
Dr. Kitirochna Rattanakasamsuk 2017 95,000 The Suitable Speed of Moving Text for Elderly Vision
2019 99,000 Color Memory for Plain Cigarette Packaging Design
2021 99,000 Effectiveness of Alcohol Plain Packaging with Pictorial Health Warning
Dr. Chanprapha Phuangsuwan 2016 98,000 The Study of Water Lilies Color by Munsell Color System for Making Color Template in the Software
2017 99,900 Investigation of Merit of Using D-up Viewer for Effect of Advertisement of Products
2021 95,000 Simultaneous Color Contrast of Background Colors Effected to Perceive Color of Objects on Difference Output Devices
Prof. Mitsuo Ikeda 2017 99,500 The Chromatic After Image is a Phenomenon in the Retina or in the Brain
2017 99,500 Development of an Inspection Viewing Box to Sort Out Colored Medical Pills for Elderly People
2018 99,900 Effect of Direction of Environment Light to the Visual Performance of Elderlies
Dr. Waiyawut Wuthiastasarn 2017 98,000 A Survey of Closed Captions Viewing in Bangkok
2017 50,000 The study of Moderate Class More Knowledge in senior High School at Setsatian School of the Deaf
2019 98,000 The Study of Background Color that Suitable for Thai Sign Language on TV screen
2021 98,000 The Study of Providing Sign Language Interpreter and Closed Captioning Service Simultaneously on TV program