Two students, Mr.Kittisak and Mr.Chatchai of Faculty of Mass Communication Technology, RMUTT had been invited to the 2022 Winter School at the Graduate School of Design, Kyushu University, Ohashi campus, Fukuoka, Japan on November 13 – 22, 2022.
They visited graduate School of Design and participated many interesting lectures such as Environmental Design Course, Sound and Music: Traditions Japanese and Interpretations, Modern and Contemporary Architecture in Japan, Human Variations and Environmental Adaptations, Physiology, Evolution, and Diversity of Color Vision, and Design Education.
Moreover, they visited Diversity of Color Vision laboratory by Associate Professor Chihiro Hiramatsu. Also, they had an experience to do the experiment such as Color assessment and diagnosis test. During the program, they have learnt to use the Illuminance meter and other instruments to measure the color appear on screen. Then, they presented the result to laboratory members.
Furthermore, they had an opportunity to visit Karatsu castle and Former Takatori Residence, the ancient village of Japan, also learnt the culture and history of Japan.