Our two students, Frong and O with Osaka City University students.
Our two students, Namwan and Kan (the third and the fourth from the left in the front line) with Meijo University students and Dr Kawasumi (the second from the left on the front line)
Two MCT students (left, Namwan, right, Kan) were doing their senior projects at Dr Kawasumi’s lab of Meijo University.
Three CRC students (Min, Fon, and Mon) were listening to Prof. Horiuchi’s explanation about his lab research at Chiba University
Three CRC students (Min, Fon, and Mon) were preparing their senior projects by being taught by Chiba University students.
Three CRC students (from the left: Fon, Min and Mon ) were doing their senior project at Mizokami lab of Chiba University.