NewsColor Research Center Lecture and Workshop at National University of Laoson June 4, 2018June 4, 2018by CRC Webadmin Color Research Center Lecture and Workshop 22 – 25 May 2018 at Faculty of Engineering, National University of Laos, Vientiane Laos CRC team visit Prof. Dr. Boualinh Soysouvanh, Dean of Faculty of Engineering, National University of Laos Head department of computer engineering and information technology (Right) Dr.Khanthanou Luangxaysana (Right) Assist.Prof.Dr.Uravis Tangkijviwat Prof.Mitsuo Ikeda Assist.Prof.Dr.Chanprapha Phuansuwan Prof.Yasuki Yamauchi Assist.Prof.Dr.Kitirochna Rattanakasamsuk Assist.Prof.Dr.Waiyawut Wuthiastasarn